Sure Dividend helps investors build high-quality dividend growth portfolios for rising passive income over the long run.
Our goal is to help you find dividend stocks trading at fair or better prices with strong competitive advantages and shareholder friendly managements. Additionally, we believe investors can improve their returns by minimizing investing fees and focusing on long-term results instead of short-term performance.
Brief bios for the core personnel at Sure Dividend are below.
Ben Reynolds
Ben Reynolds founded Sure Dividend in 2014. Reynolds has long held a passion for business in general and investing in particular. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and a minor in Chinese studies from The University of Houston.
In his spare time, Reynolds enjoys watching movies, reading, exercising, and relaxing with his wife, author Shina Reynolds (get a copy of her award-winning book here).
Stay in touch with Ben with the links below:
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- Email: Compound your wisdom alongside Ben with regular actionable ideas for investing and beyond.
Bob Ciura
Bob Ciura is President of Content at Sure Dividend. Bob has worked at Sure Dividend since October 2016. He oversees all content for Sure Dividend and its partner sites. Prior to joining Sure Dividend, Bob was an independent equity analyst. Bob received a bachelor’s degree in Finance from DePaul University, and an MBA with a concentration in Investments from the University of Notre Dame.