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The Sure Analysis Research Database


The Sure Analysis Research Database is the highest tier of service at Sure Dividend. It’s where we do the detailed analysis to bring our investing approach to our members. Our investing approach is about:

  1. Identifying the best income securities to buy
  2. While avoiding mediocre or worse securities

We seek to accomplish this with our 2-point investment approach:

  1. Expected total returns
  2. Dividend risk

About Expected Total Returns
Interestingly, all returns come from only three sources:

  1. Dividends (or distributions, interest, etc.)
  2. Growth on a per share basis (typically measured as earnings-per-share)
  3. Valuation multiple changes (typically measured as a change in the price-to-earnings ratio)

Combined, these three sources make up total return.

Historical total return, while interesting, is not what matters in investing.  It’s expected future returns that we care about.

And since total returns can only come from the three sources mentioned above, you can use the expected total return framework to clarify your thinking on where you expect total returns to come from.

We provide five year forward expected total return estimates for the securities in the Sure Analysis Research Database.

About Dividend Risk
Expected total returns are one side of the investing coin.  The other is risk.

We are focused on income producing securities because that’s what matters for a sustainable retirement (or early retirement).

The primary risk with dividend investing is dividend reductions or dividend eliminations.

That’s where the Dividend Risk Score comes in. We assign a letter grade ranking to all the income-paying securities in our database using our Dividend Risk Score.

Dividend Risk Scores take into account:

The longer a company’s streak of consecutive dividend increases, the lower its payout ratio, and the better its historical (and/or expected) recession performance, the better its Dividend Risk Score.

The Dividend Risk Score helps our readers to quickly compare the relative dividend safety of different investment opportunities.

The Sure Analysis Research Database includes expected total return estimates and Dividend Risk Scores for the 870+ income securities we cover.

The Power Of The Sure Analysis Research Database
What makes Sure Dividend unique is our comparative analysis between different individual income securities in the Sure Analysis Research Database. We use the same investing metrics for all securities so our readers can compare potential investments to one another on an apples-to-apples basis. These metrics include:

The Sure Analysis Research Database contains reports on more than 870 securities. We cover (among other securities):

Note: We will continue to increase the number of securities we cover going forward.

Security reports in the Sure Analysis Research Database are updated quarterly by our team of analysts to keep the reports relevant and current. Our ~15 person research team analyzes and creates to-the-point 3-page PDF reports on more than 840 income securities quarterly. That’s more than 3,300 reports every year.

Sure Dividend is trusted by more than 8,400 active premium members, including more than 2,600 active Sure Analysis Research Database members. Our members are investors who trust us to help them find the best income securities. It’s a task we take very seriously.

“So I think it was just looking at different companies and I always thought if you looked at ten companies, you’d find one that’s interesting, if you’d look at 20, you’d find two, or if you look at hundred you’ll find ten. The person that turns over the most rocks wins the game. I’ve also found this to be true in my personal investing.”
– Investing legend Peter Lynch

Think of Sure Analysis as your personal team of income security researchers who are constantly working to find the best income securities for your portfolio, as well as which securities to avoid. The Sure Analysis team does the ‘heavy lifting’ of income security analysis so you can reap the benefits of investing in high quality dividend growth stocks and related income securities.

“I am so glad I resigned up for the Research Database. I have used it extensively and just used it to confirm a new investment, and used the PDF to convince the wife that this was a good step to take today.  Simply a great service.”
– Sure Analysis Research Database member


What The Sure Analysis Research Database Membership Includes

The Sure Analysis Research Database includes:

#1: Quarterly Updated 3-Page PDF Reports
Access to the 870+ security (and growing) Sure Analysis Research Database where we create to-the-point 3 page PDF reports on each security.  Click here to see an example of our full-page view for each security in Sure Analysis, along with Sure Analysis PDF reports for the example security.

#2: Daily Updated Sure Analysis Spreadsheet
Detailed spreadsheet with all of the 870+ income securities in Sure Analysis.  The spreadsheet includes metrics that matter like 5 year forward expected total returns, Dividend Risk scores, and Retirement Suitability scores. The spreadsheet data is updated daily. Click here to see a sample edition of our detailed Sure Analysis spreadsheet.

#3: All Our Other Current Premium Newsletter & Report Services
All of our other premium newsletter and report services.  Please click the links below to download sample editions of each:

#4: The Weekly Sure Analysis Top 10 Email
The weekly Sure Analysis Top 10 email, which gives a quick snapshot of the top 10 highest expected total return securities in the Sure Analysis Research Database with “A” Dividend Risk and Retirement Suitability scores. Click here to see a sample edition of one of these emails.

The Sure Analysis Research Database has everything you need to build and grow your retirement (or early retirement) income portfolio for the long run.

“You and your team run the BEST research program in the country.”
– Sure Dividend member

Now is the best time to join Sure Analysis because of the July 2024 Sure Analysis Lifetime Event. Details are below.

Note: Be sure to enter coupon code 724SARDLT if it doesn’t apply automatically.

Join The Sure Analysis Lifetime Plan


Email with any questions you have.